Rainbow Nursery 22-26 Nevill Road Yorkshire Grove Estate Stoke Newington London N16 8SP
Call Us! Tel: 0207 254 7930

Rainbow's Eco News

Rainbow has enrolled on the Hackney’s Eco-Schools programme.  We aim to adopt the Eco Schools programme mission statement by ‘Creating a world where young people and communities are agents of change to create a better planet’. The nursery has taken part in a range of practical activities.  This will be spearheaded by an Eco Schools programme committee including our Eco warriors who will represent the children to have their say.

Some of the activities the children have participated in


Being kind to our environment – Litter picking

At Rainbow, we went on a litter picking trail at Butterfield Green to celebrate World Kindness Day. The children were learning about how and why we keep our environment clean and the importance of recycling.


Litter sorting

The children participated in a litter sorting activity. The children chose different resources such as milk bottles, plastic bottles, card, glass, clothes and paper. The aim of the is activity is to build children’s awareness of why it is important to recycle.


We adopted a Tiger

We are excited to share that we adopted a Tiger.
Sadly, there are more tigers in captivity in the US than are left in the wild. Tiger populations have declined by around 95% since the beginning of the 20th century. With our monthly
donation, we will be helping support their vital work.
Support WWF Today | For A Future Where People & Nature Thrive

Bird feeders


The children have been busy making bird feeders, so they can encourage the birds to come into our nursery garden. They also enjoyed spotting different bird species in our garden.

How to Enroll Your Child in a Group?

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